CRM Pricing: Top 3 Factors to Consider in 2020

custom CRM software development

The market is full of CRM vendor companies. And this is the reason for identifying the universal cost of CRM is difficult. This gets even worse because many CRM vendors even charge hidden costs. Last year, the researcher found that the CRM industry received more than $60 billion. While it is clear that the entrepreneurs are willing to spend, but investing in off the shelf CRM is not an ideal approach.


Fortunately, there are many options available which work and don’t cost you a fortune. Here are some of the important aspects you have to take into account so that you don’t make any mistakes while choosing CRM software.


Pay as you grow: Opting for top CRM vendors won’t always help you. If you have started the contract with top 5 CRM development company, you will lose a lot. Why? Well, their solution is made for the big conglomerate, not for MSMEs. The best way to do this is by taking help from someone whose CRM is flexible and modular. No matter how small or big your business is, it can serve your own purpose and needs. And beside this, once your business starts to grow, you have the option to scale up as well.


Integration cost: CRM software must integrate properly with your existing business software. However, it’s a really hard job, especially if you bought an off the shelf solution. Some CRM development company can even charge extra to fine-tune your recently bought CRM. So, when you are considering an off the shelf or custom CRM software solution, make sure to talk clearly to the custom software development service about integration.


Support cost: Everything comes at a price, right? So does your constant call for support to the software development service provider. Many custom software companies charge hourly for their support and many charge it periodically. And if you want to skip it, then you will lose a lot of human hours and resources. Because when you introduce a new system in the business, things are prone to break down. One important aspect to remember that many custom software development service company does offer first 6-month free support.


CRM pricing depends on your approach. There are a lot of off the shelf options available to pick, however, if you want to reap the most out of it, consider a custom CRM software. This software is packed with benefits at an exceptional price. Interested to know more? Get in touch with the best CRM software development companies in Delhi.

Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Switch Using a Legacy CRM

CRM Software Development Company In Delhi

Legacy CRM is a tool that meant to serve sales reps. Remember, it’s meant” but it doesn’t serve its purpose!  The Reason?  Well, it’s a system that doesn’t play well with other existing software. And, after hours of hard work, your sales reps have to do a manual data entry job again! But there’s more than this and in this blog, we are going to share those thoughts with us. And, in the end, hopefully, you would realize why you must switch from a legacy CRM now.


Bloated feature: Having a lot of features is not a bad thing. However, if you are not going to use it, what’s the point, right? A legacy CRM comes with a bloated feature that drains a lot of resources and money. And this is the reason you should go for custom CRM software. You pay only what you are going to use and need.


Saves time: The problem with legacy CRM is, there are a lot of learning curves. People have to spend hours and more to learn every single thing. The navigation, features are not tailored to meet your needs. A custom CRM Software development company can build a tool that comes with easy accessibility and navigation. Thus, it saves the most precious resource of your business, “time”.


Scale-up: Your business will grow, and with that, you have to extend your CRMs’ capability. If you have a legacy CRM, you won’t be able to scale up your CRM easily, but having a custom CRM Software tool will help you do that very easily.


Easy integration: You have much existing software right? If it doesn’t play well with your CRM, then it’s a loss of resources and sales reps have to do manual data entry. A Custom CRM Software, on the other hand, integrates easily with your existing software. Every single information coming through the 3rd party apps gets easily synced in the CRM.


There is more reason to switch from legacy to custom CRM. A Custom CRM Software comes with a lot of benefits and it serves only your purpose. Legacy CRM is not a workable solution for modern-day business. Think beyond off-the-shelf, think Custom CRM Software.

Inside Sales Management Challenges and How to Overcome Them

CRM Sales Management Software

No businesses are exempt from Sales Management Challenges. Even the fortune 500′ businesses’  sales management team also faces difficulties regarding building effective client engagement. However, what makes them Successful is the plan and power to overcome them. But, how they do it exactly? Well, we are here just to share that!


Find the problem: As a sales manager, we can understand that you carry a lot of responsibility and burden. However, your sales team have the disadvantages of not using sales CRM software and going through a rough time, you have to take a proactive measure to find the loopholes. When you track down the problems, it is time to fix this ASAP. Unable to find the problem? Give a try to CRM software from the best custom software development company in Delhi and see the magic!


Do data analysis: Best Sales CRM Software helps to increase revenue and collect essential customer insight. However, if you do not know how to use them, then what’s the point right? Many businesses collect data but didn’t have the experience and expertise to utilize them efficiently. So, if you have invested in custom software development, make sure your team has ways to utilize them.


Time management: Time is the most valuable resource and you must utilize it in the right way. Yes, managing thousands of leads at the same time can be a daunting task. However, there’s some extraordinary business tool available that can help to make your job more efficient manner. For instance, the best sales CRM software has many features that can do a lot of repetitive jobs automatically which saves resources and valuable time.


Know your responsibilities: It is possible that you were sales reps earlier. However, if you are taking care of the entire Sales Management process, you have to forget your previous role. Selling to clients and managing a sales team is a completely different practice. Don’t manage your team like you used to manage your leads!


Finding Quality Leads: Sales reps often deal with leads that turn out to be a total waste of time. You have to remember that, only quality leads matters. However, finding the right lead is not an easy task. Unless you take help from the custom software development company to track down quality leads and present them in front of sales reps for further process.


While you are out there, taking care of the entire sales management process, remember that your job is to help your sales reps. Hence, you have to take responsibility for providing tools, training & motivation so the business becomes successful. Do this consistently and you will overcome any challenges. And for the technical aspect of the sales management part, give the responsibility to the CRIMS, the best sales CRM software development company in India.

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