How are ERP and CRM Different with each other?

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As the business grows, it becomes difficult to manage different departments and execution of operations. CRM and ERP are two different tools that can provide a competitive edge to your business. Both the software are valuable for organizations and have different functionalities. The CRM software development company helps organizations reach their goals successfully.


What is CRM?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software manages the activities, technologies and strategies that the company uses to build a meaningful relationship with the customers. CRM software development enhances productivity and customer retention and in turn, increases the revenue of the business.


Key Features of CRM:

Management of contacts: CRM helps you to view contacts of customers, suppliers, and vendors.
Estimate sales: It provides the estimated sales reports by managing the cash flows and financial resources.
Tracking of social media activities: It assists in marketing by keeping a track of social media activities. Custom CRM software offers additional benefits according to the requirements.


Major Benefits Include:

• CRM gathers the information about the clients and helps the businesses to understand them better. To get such an amazing benefit, you can avail the service from Custom CRM software company in Delhi.
• The customer satisfaction rate is always high for companies using CRM software.
• CRM chiefly works to increase customer retention rates.


What is ERP?

ERP stands for Enterprise resource planning. It is a centralized and integrated system to manage the business functions in an organization. By 2020, it is estimated that the ERP software market would be worth $41.69 billion. This software is used in various industries like supply chain, healthcare, hospitality, and construction. ERP helps in managing employees, customers, and stock. In ERP, there is a single database and all the departments work with the same information. Contact ERP Software development company to get accurate information.

It brings together different departments together such as customer management, financial management, human resources, etc.


Key Features of ERP-

Analytics: It analyses the data and graphs to provide accurate information.
Automation: It performs various functions without human interference.
Reporting: It generates precise reports.
Streamlining: It uses the latest modelling techniques to simplify the tasks.
Accounting: Financial management and monitoring become easy.


Major Benefits Include:

Improved Coordination: The central database enables all the departments to works from a single and accurate source of information.
Improved Productivity: It saves the time of making reports, inventory level monitoring and processing and tracking of orders.
Better Risk Management: ERP systems are designed to ensure that the regulations are followed properly. It helps in matters related to tax provisions and chemical use.


Major Differences between ERP and CRM

1. The major objective of CRM is to improve the relationship of businesses with customers. It works for the betterment of customer satisfaction. While ERP focuses on business processes in a company.
2. The campaigns created by custom CRM software are directed for customer retention while ERP executes business operations.
3. Manufacturers mostly use CRM while customer-related departments like marketing and sales need ERP.
4. CRM emphasizes on increased revenue while ERP focuses on overall cost reduction.
Both CRM and ERP have different features and benefits, but they are essential for the overall productivity and smooth functioning of the business. If you want to know more about ERP and CRM, follow our blog page. Want to talk to a CRM or ERP specialist?

The Rise of Mobile CRM

CRM software development company

Is now the time to take CRM seriously? Yes. Absolutely. According to Nucleus’ research, mobile access increases sales force productivity by an average of 14.6%. Businesses that are using mobile CRM achieved 65% of their sales quotas, as compared to those that were not, which only achieved 22% of their monthly goals. These numbers alone prove that mobile CRM is here to stay. But if you are still in disbelief, we are sharing some reason behind the rise of the mobile CRM industry.


Faster access to information: Sales reps can access information in real-time, so it is always the most up-to-date data available. If you want to know about a customer or lead, you can get that, without needing to turn on your PC. A mobile device with an active internet connection is sufficient.


Reduce cold leads: Cold leads haunt every entrepreneur. But if you have a customer service software system in place, your leads won’t get cold. Why? Well, there will always be someone to pick up the slack. Mobile CRM also makes it more straightforward to guarantee the lead gets pushed down the pipeline smoothly, but efficiently and ends up in the right place.


Faster Response: Before mobile CRM, sales reps used to collect data by phone call. Now, to put down everything, they used to keep clients on hold! It isn’t an efficient method and can infuriate the customers as well. With mobile CRM, every customer interaction gets noted down automatically and immediately. This means faster production and shipping can get started immediately, so clients receive their products or services in a more timely manner.


Boost Revenue: Mobile CRM makes sales reps productive. It has been proven by many marketing experts. And at the end of the day, more productive sales reps only translate to a healthier sales pipeline! Having the right sales management software in place, a business can boost earnings by as much as 41% within 36 months of integration.


Sales reps are not confined to their desks anymore. They can leave for an appointment or business trip and remain connected to the workplace and their customers. Mobile CRM gives the ultimate flexibility of doing business at ease. If you are not making use of it, you are helping your competitors to grow. If you are worried about your budget, then check how much does CRM software cost.


Want to talk to a professional and discuss your CRM projects? Contact CRM software development company now.


Why Your CRM System is Your Most Valuable Asset?


Best Custom CRM Software Development Company

Any smart entrepreneurs understand for the business to succeed, they must offer exceptional customer service. However, building up customer relationships can be a massive job and it does take a lot of resources. But, this job is the most essential element that determines business success. Luckily, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) makes it easier and the advantages of CRM software are mostly targeted to this aspect.


Customer Management: The foremost reason for using a CRM is, it eases the tackles faced by organizations during their everyday customer and client relationship exercises. Barely any organization of the present day would not prefer using the traditional way of client management, which involved keeping a register to maintain the details of clients. A modern CRM tool, like Infusionsoft Expert, enables you to organize your contacts and leads and turn them into potential customers.


Anytime Access: A professional software development company can build a CRM software that serves as a centralized database. This lets the users promptly get the information they need to place perfect sales speech. While your sales reps out for client meetings, they don’t need to carry bulky files. They can access everything and more by logging into the CRM remotely. This enables them to answer customer queries faster and more effective way.


Simplify the Task Assignments: Using a spreadsheet to schedule meetings, tasks? How happy are you with this method. Market studies have found that employees lose at least 15% of their productive hours to keep track of the excel sheet. This can be fixed by using custom CRM software. A CRM software development company can make a tool that can track everything and assign the tasks to the responsible person automatically. This reduces the tedious manual job and boosts business productivity.


Marketing Automation: Custom CRM software can enable you to follow your digital marketing campaigns and monitor the progress & the growth rate of traffic. You can even create reports on your expected sales pipeline based on the positive clicks received and gain a more comprehensive knowledge of which aspects of your digital marketing is working or not.


With custom CRM software in place, your business is assured of greatly enhanced customer and prospect interactions. Which later will translate to more revenue. CRM works on many levels to boost ROI. Work with the best CRM software development company and you will get the following benefits.

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